
Saturday, June 4, 2016


Are you kidding me you guys? I have an 8 month old! Where does the time go? It has been flying by since we have been home! I realize I haven't updated in like 2 months, but things have been pretty quiet around here! We have just been enjoying every day life again as a family at home! Its been AMAZING!!

I want to share what I have learned in the last 8 months of being Holden's mom.
I have learned a lot being a mom to a special little man. From little things like the strength we have as a family to the big medical stuff. 

Let's start with medical.
 I know what a co2 is.I know what a blood gas is. I know what my sons normal heart rate is when he is awake and when he is asleep. I know what oxygen saturation is. I know what peep, respritory rate, and tital volume is.Just to name a few. All things that I never in a million years would think I would know or need to know. 

Enjoying the little things.
Since we have had Holden this saying has a whole new meaning! It is so true in this life. The little things like health, breathing, moving, and the ability to eat. All the things we don't think twice about but I watch Holden struggle with on a daily basis. I remember being in the NICU and saying I will never be that mom who is sad that my baby is getting older because what a blessing it would be! That's all that matters in this life is heath, happiness and family! We are just so beyond lucky to have him!! 

Now on the flip side there is jealousy. I mean, I am only human. I am jealous of other moms who's babies can breathe on their own, or walk, or sit, or hold their head up. Things that Holden works really hard for on a daily basis comes so easy to these little babies. It seriously blows my mind that we just are born and know how to breathe. Like, What? It's so amazing to see our bodies work for us. But, on the other side it is hard to see Holden's body not able to work for him like mine and yours. I mean, every time I hop on any social media it is filled with babies! Babies sitting, playing, not hooked up to machines, parents walking around with their babies. Just being able to do things Holden can't do yet and it's hard not to be jealous! 

This has NEVER been my strong point! But I am learning! I have learned to be patient with myself and with Holden. Yes, maybe Holden isn't able to hold his head up all of the time, or sit or stand. (YET!) But he may be able to one day. Just because he isn't doing everything on everyone else's schedule doesn't mean he won't ever do it! I remember when this all first happened we all would just say "he just needs a minute" "give him a minute" and I still believe that. I believe he just needs time. He has about 3-4 therapist come in the home a week. (2 physical therapist, 1 occupational therapist, 1 vision therapist, and 1 speech therapist) One week, about 2 weeks ago, every single therapist that came in that week said they could see a big difference in how much stronger he is getting and the things he is able to do. It was so exciting to hear that others were seeing a big difference in him! I can have patience and we can do everything on Holden's schedule. We always tease it's Holden's world and we are just living in it. He definitely is the boss in this family!

Our dreams for him have changed.
When you are talking about having kids you always have dreams and hopes for them.Our dreams for Holden have changed a bit. My hope for Holden is that he will be able to breathe on his own, that he will be able to eat, talk, sit, and walk on his own. But above all our dream for Holden is for him to be HAPPY and to have the best life possible!!

I feel like Holden has taught me so much in his 8 months of life! He has changed the way I look at life! He is an amazing little boy and I am so so lucky to be his mom!

A little bit more about Holden Gray

We are working on rolling and being able to hold his head up all the time, not just when he wants. He is able to roll from his sides to his back! 

He is a chatty cathy! He has been talking a lot lately and making noise with his mouth is his favorite! He loves to make the most noise when we are all trying to sleep at night!

He smiles a ton! He likes when we wiggle or shake him!

His favorite toy right now is his beads! He also likes his rings!

He used to love tummy time and now it's the worst!

He loves to watch shows on the IPad.

Trapper (our cat) loves Holden, Holden is still not so sure. 

He is so stubborn! If he does not want to do something he will throw a fit or fake asleep.

He went to his first Bee's game on Memorial Day and likes to go to his dad's softball games!


Happy 8 months baby boy!

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