
Wednesday, December 9, 2015


We have made it to South Davis. We were transferred yesterday morning and it was very...emotional! As good as it is to leave Primary's I definitely wasn't ready. I loved our nurses and care he received there! That was our home for 2 months and we had to up and leave. I remember a mom was leaving with her baby about a month back and I remember asking her if she was so happy to be leaving and she said that it was actually really sad. I remember thinking that she was crazy but now I know exactly how she feels! 

He was transferred by ambulance and we followed them and met them here. He handled it well with a little help of ativan, which I'm not a huge fan of because it makes him drowsy for the rest of the day. Also, had a couple of episodes but that's okay because he had a tough day and was very sleepy. He didn't even wake up for Santa. 

It is very different from the NICU setting we had before. There isn't a nurse with him 24-7 and it is taking some getting used to. I'm a worrier and unfortunately I am unable to be there for him the whole time as much as I would like to. Also, we are working on getting the staff to get to know him and how he works and we are getting used to how they work. It takes patience and if I have learned one thing in this whole experience is patience is key. 


Our goal at South Davis is to keep him healthy and to get him on the home vent. Once they get to know him better we are able to start home vent trials. Which I am looking forward to. I think a lot of people count Holden out but I know he is strong and able to do this and just needs time to get used to it. The speech therapist said that it is really encouraging that he takes a bink. He loves his wubba nub! So the first thing she is going to work on with him is to improve his suck so he is able to maybe potentially take food and formula orally. 


We are able to do a lot for Holden here, almost everything which is nice because when we are able to go home we will be alone and doing everything ourselves anyways so its nice to have the help here if we need it. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will be getting our wish to be able to make it home for Christmas as a family. They want him to be able to be on the home vent for 2 weeks straight before we are able to go home. But we will just spend Christmas here at the hospital as a family which will be just fine. 


We met some amazing people at Primary's and I miss them already! They have been more than just caregivers to Holden and I am grateful for the friendships that we have made. Holden received amazing care while he was there and for that I am beyond grateful! Primary's was our home and all Holden knew so it is very hard to leave but in this life everything is temporary and we knew that. We know that being here is only temporary also and soon we will be home as a family. 


  1. What touching words Shanna. You and Jess are amazing. And Holden is a fighter. We are all praying and just know we are just a phone call away. GO HOLDEN. ♡

  2. What touching words Shanna. You and Jess are amazing. And Holden is a fighter. We are all praying and just know we are just a phone call away. GO HOLDEN. ♡

  3. Praying for your family. You are so strong, keep it up. I love seeing your updates, he is so handsome. Lots of love and prayers from our family to yours❤️
